California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | CAL FIRE
CAL FIRE works year-round to promote healthy forests and protect communities by removing overgrown vegetation through prescribed fire, tree thinning, pruning, chipping, and roadway clearance. Hundreds of projects are completed each year and …
About | CAL FIRE
Learn about CAL FIRE’s business network, hired equipment policy and services, reporting fires on state properties, CAL FIRE’s operational units, and more.
CAL FIRE Contacts
Phone, address and email contact information for various CAL FIRE resources Headquarters Sacramento Headquarters
California - Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
The California State Board of Forestry and Fire Protection (Board) is a Governor-appointed body within the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE). Members are appointed on the basis of their professional and educational qualification.
Incidents | CAL FIRE
Fires occur throughout the State within CAL FIRE jurisdiction on a daily basis during fire season. However, the majority of those fires are contained quickly and no information will generally be provided on these incidents at this site if the fire burns less than 10 acres.
Join Us | CAL FIRE
Unlock the potential for a career in CAL FIRE and discover exciting opportunities to apply your skillset across numerous fields. Search below for open positions in fire protection, resource management, admin and IT, aviation and more.
Fire and Resource Assessment Program
The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection's Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) assesses the amount and extent of California's forests and rangelands, analyzes their conditions and identifies alternative management and policy guidelines.
Urban and Community Forestry - CAL FIRE
The purpose of CAL FIRE’s Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program is to help create a sustainable urban forest and increase the long-term benefits trees provide, improve the public’s understanding and appreciation of urban trees, and advance …
GIS Mapping and Data Analytics | CAL FIRE
The Fire and Resource Assessment Program (FRAP) provides high-quality spatial data, maps, and on-line data viewers which provide critical information on the health and risk factors associated with forest and rangelands within the State of California.
Fire Hazard Severity Zones Maps | OSFM - California
These zones, referred to as Fire Hazard Severity Zones (FHSZ), classify a wildland zone as Moderate, High, or Very High fire hazard based on the average hazard across the area included in the zone. Click Here for the Fire Hazard Severity Zone Viewer