2 handed hammer options and aesthetics :: Pathfinder: …
Oct 16, 2018 · First thing I do to test out a new rpg is to see how well I can make a 2-handed hammer wielding dwarf. What are my option in Kingmaker? It appears I can use a War Hammer 2-handed but it keeps the 1-handed animation and stance with a free hand which looks stupid.
I am looking advice for a great dwarf warrior!! - Paizo
Jul 20, 2014 · A fighter dwarf with a weapon specialization in a double dwarven waraxe would do the trick. I highly suggest trying a sword-and-board build since the double dwarven waraxe is a one-handed weapon.
Hammer and Board Dwarf fighter help : r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker - Reddit
May 26, 2021 · Mace of Woe+Lead Blades+Enlarge = Mega damage. You could do warhammer or mace or other blunt weapons. If your heart is dead-set on only using hammers, then I would definitely stick with fighter. You could also look for a mod …
How would you build a Warhammer slayer? - paizo.com
Nov 22, 2016 · Dwarves have an innate resistance to enemy spells, which can be boosted even further by the feat, STeel Soul, and a trait. Fits with WFB Dwarves distrusting magic.
Longhammer, Dwarven – d20PFSRD
These heavy-headed bludgeons are often carved or cast with monstrous faces or drilled with tiny holes to create a menacing whistling as they are swung through the air.
Dwarf Slayer Build (Warhammer Fantasy kind of Slayer) : r/Pathfinder …
Jan 7, 2022 · I've always wanted to play as a Slayer Dwarf from Warhammer Fantasy. What would be the best class to get since dwarven slayers in Warhammer Fantasy often go shirtless and are quite tough.
What are your favourite Dwarf builds/character concepts?
Someone mentioned that they would love to see more non-drunk/gruff type dwarfs. I would like to hear of your beloved Dwarf NPC's/PC's, what made them special/fun, what builds would you and why would you run it as a Dwarf?
paizo.com - Forums: Advice: Dwarven Slayer (Warhammer Slayer)
Sep 19, 2015 · I'm needing a Dwarven beserker themed character. I would prefer his weapon be a shield and hammer or shield and axe, and his combat style be a two weapon fighting, vicious and brutal, "get in and kill or get killed." I would like him wearing as little armor as possible, charging into battle with bare chest and only his shield to protect him.
Ram Hammer, Dwarven – d20PFSRD
The dwarven ram hammer is designed to be thrown or used in melee, with a long leather strap that is wrapped around the wrist when used to deliver blows in close combat but unfurled to aid in swinging the weapon when the hammer is thrown.
Dwarf Warrior - NPCs - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd …
Melee[one-action] warhammer +8 [+3/-2] (shove), Damage 1d8+2 bludgeoningMelee[one-action] clan dagger +8 [+4/+0] (agile, parry, versatile B), Damage 1d4+2 piercingDwarven Doughtiness A dwarf is often calm and collected in the face of imminent danger. At the end of this dwarf's turn, reduce their frightened condition by 2 instead of 1.Shielded Charge[two-actions] …