in Manitoba on a valid work permit (of 12 consecutive months or more) the spouse or minor child (under 18 years) of a work permit holder (permit validity periods apply) a convention refugee or ...
Before applying for coverage, check that you meet the eligibility requirements.
If your application is incomplete, you will be contacted. We are not able to respond to requests for status updates on your application until 30 days after you submitted your application. To make sure ...
Residents should carry their Manitoba Health card at all times to present when they or their dependants require health services.
We are pleased to welcome you to the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba and invite you to visit this magnificent building, where there is so much to learn and discover. Guided tours of the Legislative ...
Note: All documents on this page are in Adobe Acrobat format unless otherwise indicated. A listing of health information resources (ex: factsheets, posters, brochures, etc.) that are available for ...
Public Health Orders Please visit the State of Emergency page to see if current public halth orders affect your business or workplace. B2B Manitoba B2B Manitoba is an online marketplace to connect non ...
This Annual Report is organized in accordance with the appropriation structure for Manitoba Families. The report includes information at the main and sub-appropriation levels relating to the ...
Le Programme d’allocations pour la garde d’enfants accorde un soutien provincial aux familles admissibles afin de les aider à payer leurs frais de garde en les réduisant pour les enfants âgés de 12 ...
The annual aquatic invasive species (AIS) watercraft inspection program is underway for 2024. The program operates from late spring through the summer and into the middle of fall. There is no fee to ...
When four orphaned goslings made their way into Alf Hole's life in 1939, the sanctuary's roots were established. Today, Alf's legacy is enjoyed by many park visitors. Inside the Visitor Centre, ...