This lunchtime webinar is part of the MoodleMunch community series, designed to showcase good digital learning and teaching practices. Community members share ...
Have you ever been curious about James Joyce’s Ulysses? Wondered what all the fuss is about? Here is an opportunity to join two Joyce enthusiasts in a wander through Joyce’s masterpiece and the ...
The first two years of the degree will take place at the TUS Athlone campus, and the final two years at the DCU Institute of ...
This year marks the 5th year of the Emerging Leaders Programme. We are so grateful that you were a part of those first few cohorts and we are excited to welcome you back to campus for this celebration ...
As someone who returned to college as a mature student, I knew I wanted to continue my education as soon as I finished my ...
Dublin City University's annual President's Report gives an overview of activities and achievements across DCU and includes statutory financial and governance information for the period October 1st ...
At Dublin City University, our campuses are always evolving as we work to ensure that our environment is sustainable and that students have the world-class facilities and teaching spaces they need to ...
A summary of DCU's Research activities in 2022-2023 In various fields, DCU research has a direct influence on the formulation of government policy. A prime example of this was the research study, ...
Looking back at the past twelve months, one gets a strong sense of DCU entering a new phase of sustainable growth and development. As well as making progress on major building projects and physical ...