Flow opens with a slate-grey cat inspecting their own reflection in a puddle. The water itself is completely lifelike while ...
On this day in 1964, a child considered a Saskatoon flooded street from the sidewalk.
Water witching, dowsing, divining, doodle-bugging — there are many names for the historical and mystical art of finding water and minerals underground by using just a simple forked twig. We apologize, ...
Clogs look cool, sure, but their low-top silhouette means more room for water to occasionally sneak ... which makes them ideal for puddle jumping on the way to get coffee. The foam lining adds ...
Photoshop CS6 tutorial showing how to add a realistic, rippling, water reflection to a photo. The reflection will ripple out from it's center as if you dropped a pebble into a lake or pond. Tree: <a ...
Photoshop CS6 tutorial showing how to create a realistic water reflection of a skyline, landscape or object. Subscribe to Blue Lightning TV!: <a href="https://www ...