Renowned Kurdish comedian Juma Khalil, famously known as Bave Teyar, died on Sunday of injuries he sustained during an airstrike on northern Syria’s Tishreen Dam the day before, Kurdish media reported ...
"His Majesty emphasized Jordan’s commitment to strengthening these relations across all fields," PM Barzani noted.
"Steps must continue to resolve remaining issues and foster Kurdish unity. During the meeting, Kurdish issues were discussed, ...
Fighting between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces and Turkish-backed Syrian National Army has been ongoing since ...
US Central Command said its chief met with Kurdish-led forces in northeast Syria and urged the repatriation of foreign Islamic State fighters, as Kurds battle Turkey-backed groups in the region.
BEIRUT- Following the meeting of Mazloum Abdi, the commander-in-chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), with Masoud ...