DELMARVA- Many of us have or may know someone who has needed blood. That being said, The National Capital and the Greater Chesapeake Region are issuing a call to help ensure no one faces a disaster ...
U.S. Representative Steven Horsford honor the American Red Cross of Southern Nevada with a Certificate of Special ...
The Indiana Region of the American Red Cross is planning a statewide push for blood donors and financial donors next week as ...
The American Red Cross Northern Ohio Region looks to draw 500 pints of blood each day, where it's then distributed to ...
Those who donate will be offered free A1C testing (test commonly used to screen for prediabetes and diabetes) and a $10 ...
The American Red Cross is hosting several blood drives in March and April. You can make an appointment online here or by calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). New Hanover County: Wilmington Kure ...
Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute have identified genetic changes in blood stem cells from frequent blood donors that support the production of new, non-cancerous cells.
A funeral mass meant to honour the dead turned into a scene of horror when a man, Gideon Gabriel Eyoh Nwosu, was brutally stabbed to death in Ikot Etim Bott Community, Akpabuyo, Cross River State. The ...
Appointments, ImpactLife; 11 a.m.-2 p.m. March 14, Calvary Baptist Church Welcome Center, 1017 N. School St., Normal; hosted by Calvary Christian Academy ...
This blood drive comes amid a critical blood shortage, according to RRVBC. The center says it is in dire need of platelets and blood, especially A-, B-, O- and O+ red blood cells, but all blood ...
March is national Red Cross Month, a time to help others in times of crisis. 13-year-old Evie Evans is leaning into that mission by organizing her very own blood drive. The blood drive took place ...
which is why two local organizations are teaming up to host a blood drive to support victims of gun violence. Mamas Against Violence and South Bend Area Links are collaborating on the blood drive ...