A powerful earthquake rocked Myanmar and neighboring Thailand on Friday. The extent of death, injury and destruction in ...
With colleagues from WWF-US, Stanford University and Columbia University, WWF-Myanmar is assessing Myanmar's natural capital and its future in a changing climate. WWF-Myanmar is working with ...
Buildings have collapsed and people have been evacuated in the Thai capital, Bangkok, after earthquakes in neighbouring ...
The US Geological Survey (USGS) said that the epicentre of the 7.7-magnitude earthquake was 16 kilometres north-northwest of ...
A powerful earthquake rocked Myanmar and Thailand on Friday, killing multiple people and collapsing buildings across both countries.
The quake hit 10 miles from Myanmar’s second-largest city. The number of dead could not be immediately verified, but ...
An earthquake of magnitude 6.9 struck Myanmar, the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) said on Friday, while hundreds of people poured out of buildings in the Thai capital Bangkok after the ...