Over the weekend, three Italian researchers looking in to the Giza necropolis - Professor Corrado Malanga and Filippo Biondi ...
Claims that researchers discovered previously unknown structures beneath the Pyramid of Khafre — the pyramid situated in the ...
Investigating a burial site at the ancient village of Tombos, archaeologists have re-written their own rule book when it ...
A HIDDEN city has been found underneath the pyramids in a new bombshell discovery, scientists have claimed. Researchers from ...
A 2014 excavation proved the Abydos Dynasty existed. Now, Archaeologists have found a second tomb, but the king's identity ...
It seems that archaeologists may have been wrong for centuries in assuming that the monumental tombs in Egyptian pyramids ...
The Pyramids of Egypt have been greeting the rising sun for ever 5000 years and the Horemakhet (Great Sphinx), for over 8000 ...
The Louisiana Art and Science Museum is inviting the public to learn about ancient Egypt. The museum is hosting an event ...
An ancient military tomb and graves from the Egyptian, Greek, and Roman periods have been discovered at Tell Ruwad Iskandar, ...
In a study published March 13 in the journal Antiquity, Redon detailed the rare discovery of shackles at Ghozza, the ...