In this episode of Need to Know, host John Milewski speaks with Benjamin Gedan, Director of the Wilson Center's Latin America Program, about the geopolitical and economic significance of the Panama ...
President Trump has thrown down the gauntlet to the Panamanian government-threatening to retake the canal, by force if ...
A recent drought in Panama was so severe that the canal had to reduce traffic. How is climate change impacting Panama -- and how does that ripple out to the global economy?
The Trump administration is framing the President’s vow to take back the Panama Canal as an economic investment, not “imperialistic expansion." ...
Panama is in danger of becoming a case study of how an American hard-power win could become a soft-power loss. America did ...
Readers are not all happy about the election funding reforms which advantage the ALP and the Coalition over independents.
"Talking directly to our adversaries from a position of strength" is a way Trump can ensure peace, according to a former ...
Since Donald Trump’s return to the presidency, he has called for Canada to become the 51st US state, suggested that the US ...
President Donald Trump is reimaging U.S. foreign and international economic policies, and Americans won’t be richer.
A black, massive Hong Kong-registered ship inched its way through the churning waters of the Panama Canal — guided by tugboats stern and aft, and sweating Panamanians ...
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was bemoaning a future rise in coffee prices because of impending Trump administration tariffs ...
The president claims Chinese soldiers are working in the canal. That’s nonsense.