Two elderly residents of Sardinia, a certified Blue Zone. Photo: Claudine Doury/Agence VU’/Redux It is exceptionally hard to ...
The report highlights a ‘deadly postcode lottery’ revealing the country’s poorest fifth local authority areas are ...
A population-based surveillance study evaluated the extent and persistence of excess infant and childhood mortality among Black Americans between 1950 and 2019.
Mapped: The stark north-south divide in UK life expectancy – and where men and women are dying younger - New analysis from ...
These results suggest that the rise in avoidable mortality is driven by widespread factors across the entire US.
The city Health Department is looking at how to preserve its “core” functions as it enters an expected federal funding ...
COVID-19 caused a significant decline in life expectancy across 18 European countries, with many years lost being ...
Clinicians and health service heads are willing to accept a lower standard of care for people outside of major cities because ...
Is immortality achievable? With longevity science booming, you might make it to age 150. We separate the hype from proven ...
People with AIDS also have HIV, as HIV is the first stage of AIDS. Learn about the differences, how the conditions overlap, ...
Researchers who study Down syndrome at the University of Colorado Boulder advocate for more inclusion on World Down Syndrome ...
Employers have a role to play in lowering the cost of healthcare and improving quality.