Good boy. CHANG: When I spoke with her this week, I asked her what drew her to this role of half Pakistani auntie, half gangster? JAGANNATHAN: I have a teenage son. Do you have kids, Ailsa?
ASIF ALI: (As Mir Dar) Eee. JAGANNATHAN: (As Lucky) Very nice. Good boy. CHANG: When I spoke with her this week, I asked her what drew her to this role of half Pakistani auntie, half gangster?
NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with actress Poorna Jagannathan about her role as the boss of a cocaine crime ring in the new Hulu series Deli Boys. Copyright 2025 NPR ...
NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with actress Poorna Jagannathan about her role as the boss of a cocaine crime ring in the new Hulu series Deli Boys. KUOW is Seattle’s NPR news station. We are an ...
NPR's Ailsa Chang speaks with actress Poorna Jagannathan about her role as the boss of a cocaine crime ring in the new Hulu series Deli Boys.