Not only is USDA releasing its first survey-based acreage report of the year, but it’s the week President Trump is set to ...
Wheat growers and researchers share a goal of adding more acres to help farmers and ranchers, Amy Bickel writes.
Grain and livestock markets are mostly higher Wednesday, except soybeans and meal. Tomm Pfitzenmaier with Summit Commodity Brokerage, says wheat is seeing fund buying as it adds both weather and ...
Before Idaho wheat reaches dinner tables around the world, it embarks on a remarkable journey—one that involves the ...
This field was planted with corn, followed by a full season of soybeans, then winter wheat. A summer harvest of the wheat was followed by a second crop of soybean the same year, or double-crop ...
Wheat producers are in a tough position due to drought right now, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist.
The result of all of this for grain markets: volatility. Following are three of the top drivers of corn and wheat volatility heading into 2023. The volatility of 2022 has disrupted the historic ...
A farmer in south central South Dakota says widespread dryness has been good for spring fieldwork, but not good for winter ...
Giles noted a long-term trend in declining durum acres broken by a relative plateau between 1.6 million and 1.7 million acres ...
Prices for corn and soybeans, as well as other major crops such as wheat and cotton, are low enough that American farmers will struggle to turn much of a profit with any of them, economists said.
Managed money is net long 325K in corn and short 94K Chicago wheat and approximately 30K in KC, plus another 20K short in Minneapolis. I attached wheat versus corn using the July 25 contracts.
Corn was on the receiving end of spillover support from the wheat market on Friday, as futures were up fractionally to 3 cents higher. March was up 8 ¾ cents on the week. CmdtyView’s national ...