Some ag economists have expressed concern that continued expansion of Brazil’s corn production could create challenges for ...
Meanwhile, Coca-Cola launched its own line of prebiotic drinks, Simply Pop, to compete with those already on the market. Made ...
Ferrie details six agronomic factors to keep in mind, if you’re new to growing continuous corn, that can help you achieve ...
University of Florida researchers have developed a groundbreaking app designed to help farmers precisely manage irrigation for their corn crops, reducing the risks of both over- and under-watering.
If corn was ever jealous of soybean’s relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, advancements in gene editing could one day ...
Ear count, not just population, makes corn yield. The first step to more ears per field is stand and ear counts. Determine the causes of gaps, late-emerging plants and missing ears so you know how ...
On Wednesday, Bloomberg reported that HUD plans to close dozens of field offices across the country—potentially in violation of federal law, which requires the agency to operate at least one ...
Before long, you’ll be hypnotized by the shimmering green blanket of corn and soybeans that fuels our industrial food system. Radiating from their geographical and spiritual epicenter in Iowa, these ...
The National Corn Growers Association expressed optimism Feb. 6 after Mexico rescinded portions of a decree that banned genetically modified corn. The development is an outgrowth of corn grower ...
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. “This is the first paper published showing offsite benefits to other host plants for a pest like the corn borer, which is a significant pest for ...
With harvested forage supplies being tight in much of Nebraska, harvesting corn for silage may be a good option this year, especially with fields that are drought stressed. However, having the ...