Love-Kennedy, 16, was 15 years old at the time of the April 19 shooting near Preble High School. He pleaded no contest to ...
The college used this moment to highlight people within the community through cultural performances and awards.
Overall, Green Bay incurred $56,204.58 in public safety costs from Trump campaign events in 2024, and it hasn’t been paid ...
Awaken, a nonprofit dedicated to increasing awareness and education around sex trafficking and providing housing and ...
A Philadelphia sports fan, who went on a misogynistic tirade against a female Green Bay Packers fan in viral video, lost his ...
Officials in Green Bay say the Green Bay RV & Camping Expo, presented by Kunes RV, is expected to return to the Resch Expo ...
With 2025 officially underway, Green Bay’s NFL Draft Weekend countdown is heating up in Titletown and downtown.
Local De Pere girl batting cancer is finally coming home from Miami. Reporter Andrew Amouzou speaks with a family-friend about her courageous battle and when you can welcome Hadley Baker home.
Michael Kertscher, the president and general manager of Road America, tells the story of how the plate got made and why it's ...
Oakland takes on the Green Bay Phoenix after Macy Smith scored 25 points in the Golden Grizzlies' 75-72 win over the Milwaukee Panthers.