Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science is widely recognized as one of the first and best computer science programs in the world. Our programs train the next generation of innovators to solve ...
The sources for andrew-8.0 are now available (and in tarred-compressed form). However, they have not been completely tested. We recommend you continue to use 7.5. Andrew offers an extensible compound ...
Machine learning studies the question "How can we build computer programs that automatically improve their performance through experience?" This includes learning to perform many types of tasks based ...
Define state-value and (true) state value of an MDP Define Q-value and (true) Q value of an MDP The idea of discounting stems from the common idea that a reward now is better than the same reward ...
I am a first-year PhD student at CMU, advised by Feras Saad. I have broad interests in probabilistic algorithms, information, computation, and intelligence. I completed my undergraduate degree at ...
Have successfully completed AI: Representation and Problem Solving (15-281) and Introduction to Machine Learning (10-315). A mid-semester grade is acceptable for one of them. Complete the Internal ...
SCS faculty members Robert F. Murphy and Jian Ma have been named fellows of the International Society for Computational Biology.
This page is an online version of an article that appears in the March 1996 issues of the Communications of the ACM, 39(3). The examples that appear in the paper can be run interactively.
We were interviewed about our work by WESA (the NPR radio station in Pittsburgh), and we were featured live on the local radio station KQV 1410 AM. Abstract Photo-editing software restricts the ...
This repository contains labeled 3-D point cloud laser data collected from a moving platform in a urban environment. Data are provided for research purposes. Please submit questions or comments to ...
Abstract: Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, frequently made claims that Scientology was related to or shared significant similarities with Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and Taoism. However, ...
Copyright Notice: This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors ...