Hendrik Veder Group, a supplier of steel wire rope and synthetic rope products, and Dutch Steel Fabricators (DSF) have signed a merger following several years of collaboration.
Jakob Rope Systems specializes in manufacturing high-performance wire ropes ranging ... architectural and hoist/lifting sectors across 55 countries. Their stainless steel ropes provide a durable ...
Today they specialize in the manufacture of wire ropes from ... and the hoist and lifting sector, where they serve more than 55 countries with their products. Stainless steel ropes and Webnet ...
Hendrik Veder Group (HVG) and Dutch Steel Fabricators (DSF) have merged, creating a new company serving the offshore, maritime, and commercial construction sectors. The combined organisation offers ...
Provider of steel wire and fibre rope products to the marine, oil and gas and shipping industries, Hendrik Veder Group, has ...