The King David Hotel in Jerusalem, a symbol of Israel's history, from British Mandate to modern conflicts, and peace efforts.
Unlike in the story of the Megillah and during the Holocaust, Jews are presently defending their homeland, the country that ...
If the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem are an independent state, what is the status of someone born in Ramallah after '49?
The UN came into being, passing the partition plan for Palestine in 1947. Israel declared independence, with the UN’s ex post facto blessing. The UN Trusteeship Council overseeing Palestine ...
The first confirmation came in 1947, when the UN partition plan was rejected by the Arab population of Palestine. The UN plan, this way prevented from being legally effective, could not restrict ...
The first confirmation came in 1947, when the UN partition plan was rejected by the Arab population of Palestine. The UN plan, this way prevented from being legally effective, could not restrict ...
The main features of the plan were the forced transfer of ... played a key role in undermining them in 1947 by proposing the partition of mandate Palestine – a continuation of Britain’s ...
Ahram Online takes an in-depth look into the decades-old schemes by Israel to expand its territories by swallowing the West ...