World Bipolar Day aims to raise global awareness about bipolar disorders and eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health.
Self-advocacy is key to better bipolar treatment. Learn how to communicate with doctors, challenge insurance denials, and ...
Patients with difficult-to-diagnose conditions like endometriosis are often sent home with diagnoses like anxiety or bipolar ...
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that includes at least one manic episode – characterized by elevated or agitated mood and often reduced need for sleep – accompanied by episodes of major ...
Isolation can occur during depressive episodes when you might withdraw from others or even during manic episodes when ...
Learn how to recognize the signs of bipolar disorder in a loved one, how to encourage profession help, and tips for ...
A new systematic review seeks to better understand how social media use affects mental health, specifically psychiatric ...
An international team has identified associations between modifications in the placenta and the risk of developing schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depression disorder.
From medications to neuromodulation, lifestyle changes, and emerging therapies, understand the latest evidence and best practices for managing mental illness in pregnancy and postpartum.
Rapid shifts between emotional highs and lows, as well as mixed states where symptoms of mania (impulsivity) and depression ...
As with the schizophrenia research, studies of cannabis use in persons with depression now show an increased risk of being ...
A 28-year-old British Ghanaian artist has opted to die by euthanasia—legally-assisted death—after he says he is not able to ...