Springtime means cherry blossoms in the nation's capital. On a recent breezy morning, with peak bloom still two days away, ...
you won't want to miss the three major memorials that can be found along the Tidal Basin's shores: the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and the Martin Luther King ...
Schreier, a longtime former National Park Service worker who once served as superintendent of Mount Rushmore National Memorial ... up a seawall to prevent flooding of the tidal basin has forced ...
Springtime means cherry blossoms in the nation's capital. On a recent breezy morning, with peak bloom still two days away, ...
We've got more than 500ft of brand new seawall already run. We will be finished by next spring in time for America's 250th anniversary. And this time next year, we'll be planting more than 260 new ...
WASHINGTON — On the first day of the National Cherry Blossom Festival, the cherry blossom trees at the Tidal Basin have officially ... with the National Mall and Memorial Parks.
WASHINGTON (7News) — After another week of tracking the cherry blossoms to peak bloom, the pink colors are starting to emerge around the D.C. Tidal Basin. Thousands of people took to the area on ...
The original seawall probably has been slowly sinking from the beginning. It wasn't anchored to bedrock and believe it or not by now, some areas around the tidal basin have sunk by as much as 5 ft.