What if autism is not becoming more common at all? What if the rise in diagnoses is a good thing? As a scientist with autism, I believe the rise in diagnoses is the result of greater awareness, better ...
Irish writer on her latest novel, Murder at Gull’s Nest; being diagnosed autistic in her late 40s; and how she writes ‘with ...
Chelsea and England defender Lucy Bronze opens up for the first time about her autism and ADHD diagnoses to raise awareness ...
Living with autism means seeing the world differently -- sometimes more clearly, sometimes more intensely, but always ...
Bill Gates says the most personal and revealing moment of his memoir Source Code was "the question of whether to say explicitly that I probably would've been diagnosed as on the spectrum" had he been ...
The granddaughter of the world’s greatest ever batsman has shared how the values that took him to the top of his sport have ...
The suicide risk for kids with autism is staggering − but it's not being researched or talked about enough. These parents ...
County homelessness czar and mega-lobbyist Ron Book is in a race against the clock to end homelessness in Miami-Dade. Can he ...
She read books rapidly. She could pick up instruments for the first ... According to UCLA Health, about 80% of girls on the spectrum have autism that's still undiagnosed by the time they're ...
House lawmakers approved a bill Tuesday that aims to prevent misunderstandings between law enforcement officers and drivers with autism spectrum disorder. House Bill 21 would allow people to get a ...
The robotic and arguably capitalist way that our workplaces operate fails to accommodate autism - and autistic people are ...