Anita Lasker survived the Holocaust because, as a Berlin teenager, she had enjoyed her cello lessons. The Hungarian Lily ...
Encouraged by the Nazis to form marching bands to foster the myth death camps were places of industry, inmates with musical talent had a slightly better chance of surviving the Holocaust... and one ...
As Hollywood gears up to give itself its annual pat on the back, there's a top-notch crop of films to pique The Tribe's interest - and a healthy dose of off-screen drama, to boot ...
A loyal, dedicated, and obedient Nazi member, Grese rapidly ascended to the rank of Senior SS-Supervisor — and she was the second-highest-ranking female guard at the camp. By March 1945, she had been ...
PMC will deploy female security guards on PMPML buses for municipal school students after a misconduct incident, prioritizing student safety. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) will deploy ...
“A party is not a party until I show up,” said Margarita Bergen. She’s one of WGNO’s finalists for New Orleans Most Remarkable Woman of 2025. “I was able to go to three or four parties a ...
“Suitcase Killer” Heather Mack is among a group of women claiming to have been sexually ... sexually abusing four inmates while she was the guard in charge of supervising the MCC’s Unit ...