Like getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist or forgetting your umbrella on the one day it downpours, occasional anxiety is ...
Nyctophobia, or an extreme fear of darkness, affects both children and adults, often stemming from past trauma, anxiety ...
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in four American families will be touched by mental illness at any ...
Although depression is primarily a state of anguish that can affect the ability of many Dominicans to perform daily tasks, it ...
Rebecca Buckley is getting creative to keep food on the table amid skyrocketing expenses. As more people face food insecurity ...
“I would say, on the extreme end, an eggshell parent would be someone who suffers from an untreated personality disorder, ...
The next example of true wealth that matters more than money ever could is having spiritual fulfillment. Most people live ...
While asking for and receiving help is a common practice, perfectionists struggle with both, believing that they lead to ...