The developer behind a significant part of Chesterfield’s Springline at District 60 development wants a piece of the action ...
HBAR's latest annual rankings show the 10 busiest firms in the region last year built 10 more homes than the previous year ...
"Our budget is an austere approach, where our pace is a straight-line progression, slow and steady with no finish line,” ...
Harper paid $4.8 million for 1300 Semmes Ave., which houses a 17,000-square-foot office building on a 1-acre site.
The auction for the lake and its 6 acres will take place online from April 7-9, and comes after the Hadad family lost much of ...
With an agreement now finalized to reopen Southside Speedway, Chesterfield officials and the track’s new operating group took ...
Saunders joins Shockoe Bottom-based Capital Results, which worked with Saunders on opposite sides of the table while ...
The all-cash deal, valued at $120 million, is now set to close early next month and would double TowneBank's Richmond-area ...
The proposed center would be called the Pauley Heart Center Pavilion and would take on at least part of the former longtime ...
After making a fairly quiet entrance into the Richmond market two years ago, the $5 billion Mount Oliver, N.C.-based bank is ...
Glen Allen-based Century Construction Co. says it is owed $500,000 and wants to force a sale of the sizable indoor farm ...
The group plans to rebuild of the Skipwith-Roper cottage, the 18th century home of Jackson Ward's first black homeowner.