Campaigns that educate people about the destruction caused by rain forest timber and encourage purchasing of sustainable rain forest products could drive demand down enough to slow deforestation ...
The impacts of the deforestation of the Amazon Basin include the following. The creation of mines, farms and roads, which causes deforestation, has also led to economic development. The money ...
Historically, the bigger threats to the rainforest — and its archaeology — have been logging and looting. Coffee was once believed to be bad for our health, but research suggests it can ...
New data from a non-profit reveals that humans have degraded or destroyed roughly two-thirds of the world’s original tropical rainforest cover - raising alarm that a key natural buffer against ...
Tropical rainforests face threats which need to be managed to ensure their survival. Droughts - Edexcel Many places around the world are affected by droughts. There are natural and man-made causes ...
New evidence from West Africa is reshaping our understanding of early human migration and adaptation, challenging long-held assumptions about the environments our ancestors inhabited. A recent study ...
The Amazon rainforest, for instance, is home to at least 10% of Earth's known species. Last year's tropical primary forest loss caused greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to half of U.S. emissions ...