Three homes are destroyed and three dogs were killed in a large house fire in the Lower Ninth Ward. The New Orleans Fire ...
Michael Windsay, a fire captain at the New Orleans Fire Department, died Monday morning while on duty as the acting fifth district chief at the battalion's headquarters. Windsay's cause of death has ...
NEW ORLEANS — A longtime New Orleans firefighter was killed early Thursday morning in a crash on Interstate 10 westbound in Ascension Parish, marking the third NOFD firefighter to die in the ...
NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) — The New Orleans Fire Department is mourning the death of another one of their own. It was announce that NOFD Apparatus Operator 41-year-old Dwayne Jackson died Thursday ...
NEW ORLEANS ... forged in the fire. "Me and him were on the Hard Rock together... Just to know John Blackwell isn't there anymore is a huge hit to this department." Mischler says firefighters ...