Guest columnist Jeff Dafler writes that Ohio must support the oil and gas industry to fuel growth in the state.
Brine from fracking can be saltier than seawater and contain numerous chemicals from the fracking operation, as well as ...
"The natural gas and oil industry is also a key driver of every sector of the U.S. economy," Ohio Natural Energy Institute Executive Director Bruce L. Tague wrote in the report. "Here in Ohio ...
Ohio’s top producing Utica Shale counties have collected over $530 million in real estate property taxes from oil and natural gas activity since 2010, according to the latest data from county auditors ...
Rank: 6th in Ohio Oil (barrels): 1,001,696; Rank: 4th in Ohio Producing wells (total): 1,131 Wells drilled (total): 1,316 Mahoning County Natural gas (Mcf*): 4,726,829; Rank: 9th in Ohio Oil (barrels) ...
Ohio, can be forgiven for his enthusiasm over a recent report. After all, the good news being proclaimed by the Ohio Natural Energy Institute’s “The Essential Facts on Essential Ohio Energy” are a ...
Ohio produced 13 times more natural gas in 2023 than it did in 2013, reaching an astounding 19.2 trillion cubic feet. Ohio’s oil production ... to ensure the energy industry has the ...