Three Massachusetts residents, ages 80, 83, and 90, lost thousands of dollars each to a bitcoin scam. Now, they're getting ...
More than $21,000 lost in Bitcoin ATM scams will be returned to the victims thanks to investigators in Beverly, Massachusetts ...
A woodchuck was rescued after getting stuck in a barbed-wire fence around the Essex County Sheriff’s Department in Middleton ...
Veterinarians with the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals are working around the clock to save ...
Col. Geoffrey D. Noble, superintendent of the Massachusetts State Police, has said a “sobriety checkpoint” will be implemented by the State Police on a public way in Essex County this ...
The Essex County Chief of Police Association (ECCOPA) hosted its annual breakfast Wednesday at the Mission Boathouse ...
MSPCA-Angell is pulling out all the stops to save the lives of two very small, roughly 3-week-old domestic shorthair kittens ...
The bloodthirsty Trinitarios gang blamed for a decade of slaughter in the Bay State has been dealt a major blow by a federal task force.
SALEM — Essex County Superior Court Judge Salim Tabit spoke to a Salem High School criminal justice class about his ...