Top with the remaining cheese, then add a few squeezes or shakes of hot sauce, depending on how fiery you want this to be. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, by which time the eggs will be cooked ...
A Delish favorite in the canon of classic recipes, quiche is the versatile dish we turn to again and again for occasions big ...
Learn how to make grits quiche for an easy-to-prepare, make-ahead dish for Easter brunch (or any other morning meal) that the ...
Bacon and egg pie is a Kiwi classic. It has been appearing at our picnics for as long as I can remember - at the pony club, surf club, hunting or hiking. We all have our own magic ingredients and ...
This is a delicious savoury pie that really makes the most of the winning partnership between egg and pork. I love the way the whole eggs are hidden beneath the crust – if you get one when you ...