Rep. Brandon Gill introduced a bill requiring all $100 bills to feature a picture of Donald Trump on the front face of the note.
Adding to the list of sycophantic GOP bills, a few Republican lawmakers want to add Donald Trump’s face to $100 bills — and ...
According to data intelligence firm SAS Analytics, $100 bills account for 34% of paper currency in circulation in the U.S. and 82% of its value. In short, most of our paper money is in hundreds ...
Brandon Gill (Texas) has introduced a measure that would require all $100 bills to have President Trump ... a living person from appearing on U.S. currency.
It will require filing a mutilated currency claim. The Bureau of Engraving ... will introduce new designs for the $5, $20, $50 and $100 bills in the coming years. The introduction of the new ...
While U.S. currency has no such denomination ... years in federal prison for manufacturing about $92,000 in fake $100 bills. Authorities said he tried to use the bills to make purchases at ...
The US Federal Reserve has issued a new hi-tech 100 dollar banknote comprising several ... The US Secret Service estimates that counterfeit bills account for less than 0.01% of the 1.1 trillion ...
While U.S. currency has no such denomination ... was sentenced to more than seven years in federal prison for manufacturing about $92,000 in fake $100 bills. Authorities said he tried to use the bills ...