Drop in as Seth and Michael trade insights on this relative value alternative investment strategy, including: Key components of a convertible bond arbitrage strategy and how it can be used to tap into ...
convertible arbitrage, which trades mispriced convertible bonds hedged with the issuers’ underlying stock; and event-driven, a collection of various strategies that opportunistically invest ...
MicroStrategy’s bonds have also attracted hedge funds using a strategy known as convertible arbitrage. This involves buying the convertible bonds while shorting the company’s stock to profit f ...
the convertible arbitrage component pairs long convertible-bond positions hedged with short positions in the same companies' stock. The hedged equity strategy caps the upside and downside of long ...
Bankers are pitching Europe’s defence firms to take on more debt that can be converted into equity after the region’s ...
MicroStrategy’s volatility lends itself well to the hedging strategy, known as convertible arbitrage. In such trades, investors buy the bonds and sell the shares short, betting that the ...