If your federal student loan hasn't yet entered repayment, you won't be eligible to enroll in a repayment plan yet. Repayment ...
Consolidate your loans and you will have just one monthly payment to keep track of — but your interest rate may increase ...
With IDR applications unfrozen, borrowers can again apply for plans to lower student loan payments. Here's what experts ...
The future of student loan repayments has been thrown into uncertainty following President Donald Trump's executive order to ...
Recent changes to student loans have caused confusion and uncertainty around recertification process for borrowers enrolled in repayment plans.
If you have student loan debt, student loan forgiveness programs could help. If you qualify, student loan forgiveness could eliminate any remaining debt you owe — after a certain point.
When deciding between federal and private student loans, take interest rates, repayment options and eligibility into ...
Jessica Fugate, a government relations manager for the city of Los Angeles, said she was less than a year from student loan forgiveness under the Biden-era Public Service Loan Forgiveness program ...
Key takeawaysFederal student aid doesn’t always cover the cost of college, and some students might turn to private student ...
The Education Department said that while income-driven repayment applications were available, student-loan servicers wouldn't process them yet. Stay updated on the latest student loan interest rates.